Read multiple Message resources

Read multiple Message resources by sending a GET request to your Account's Messages list URI.

Results are sorted by the DateSent field, with the most recent messages appearing first.

If you are using the Whoosh REST API and plan on requesting more records than will fit on a single page, you may want to use the response's nextpageuri property. We are 100% Twilio compatible, check out how Twilio handles paging . Requesting this URI ensures that your next request picks up where it left off and can prevent you from retrieving duplicate data if you are actively sending or receiving messages.

This is not necessary if you are using one of the Helper Libraries, which automatically handle pagination. Take a look at the Twilio Helper Library documentation for more information.

You can also filter the Messages list by providing the following query string parameters to the listing resource:


Parameters in REST API format


GET sid<AC> Not PII

The SID of the Account associated with the Message resources.



GET phone_number PII MTL: 120 DAYS

Filter by recipient. For example: Set this to parameter to +15558881111 to retrieve a list of Message resources with to properties of +15558881111


GET phone_number PII MTL: 120 DAYS

Filter by sender. For example: Set this from parameter to +15552229999 to retrieve a list of Message resources with from properties of +15552229999


GET date_time_inequality<iso8601> Not PII

Filter by Message sent_date. Accepts GMT dates in the following formats: YYYY-MM-DD (to find Messages with a specific sent_date), <=YYYY-MM-DD (to find Messages with sent_dates on and before a specific date), and >=YYYY-MM-DD (to find Messages with sent_dates on and after a specific date).